It’s been a quiet week here at The Music Snob, recharging batteries and experiencing music instead of writing about it.
Soon we will forge ahead with further talk of music licensing opportunities and other aspects of music marketing. Part of my quiet has been accepting that the best way to get heard these days is to give away your music for free. It took a while, but I’m convinced of this from my rampant surveys of music marketing blogs and the unsatisfactory returns on the time I’ve put into trying to sell my music.
My recent release, Bbelief, was a monumental effort for me in terms of time, passion, and money, and the results are my best musical creation thus far. Letting go of it and just putting it out there for free has been a psychological blow, as I think it’s probably the thing of most “value” that I’ve contributed to society.
Click here to download my 4-song EP
The “industry” discusses music as just another form of brand marketing these days, with the idea being, don’t worry about giving it away for free, because that’s how you get people interested in buying merchandise and concert tickets from you. Sounds like I better leave the woodshed and go on tour!